Module screen
clear () | clears the screen. |
refresh () | redraws the screen; reveals changes. |
update () | norns alias to redraw the screen; reveal changes. |
move (x, y) | move the current position. |
move_rel (x, y) | move the current position with relative coordinates. |
color (r, g, b, a) | sets screen color. |
level (value) | sets greyscale color/brightness. |
pixel (x, y) | draws a single pixel. |
pixel_rel () | draws a single pixel at the current coordinate. |
line (bx, by) | draws a line. |
line_rel (bx, by) | draws a line relative to the current coordinates. |
curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) | draws a (cubic) bezier curve. |
rect (w, h) | draws a rectangle. |
rect_fill (w, h) | draws a filled-in rectangle. |
arc (radius, theta_1, theta_2) | draws a circle arc centered at the current position. |
circle (radius) | draws a circle centered at the current position. |
circle_fill (radius) | draws a circle centered at the current position. |
triangle (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) | draws a filled in triangle with the given coordinates. |
quad (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy) | draws a filled in quad with the given coordinates. |
geometry (vertices, indices, texture) | draws arbitrary vertex-defined geometry. |
text (text) | draws text to the screen. |
text_center (text) | draws text to the screen. |
text_right (text) | draws text to the screen. |
get_text_size (text) | gets size of text. |
get_size () | returns the size of the main window. |
set_size (w, h, z) | sets the size of the current window |
set_fullscreen (is_fullscreen) | sets the fullscreen state of the current window |
set_position (x, y) | sets the position of the current window on the display |
key (char, modifiers, is_repeat, state) | callback executed when the user types a key into the gui window. |
mouse (x, y) | callback executed when the user moves the mouse with the gui window focused. |
click (x, y, state, button) | callback executed when the user clicks the mouse on the gui window. |
wheel (x, y) | callback executed when the user scrolls with the mouse wheel on the gui window. |
resized () | callback executed when the user resizes a window |
Texture:render (x, y, zoom) | renders the texture object with top-left corner at (x,y) |
screen.Texture.render_extended (x, y, theta, flip_h, flip_v, zoom) | renders the texture object with top-left corner at (x,y) |
new_texture (width, height) | creates and returns a new texture object the texture data is a rectangle of dimensions (width,height) with top-left corner the current screen position call before calling screen.refresh. |
new_texture_from_file (filename) | creates and returns a new texture object from an image file |
- clear ()
- clears the screen.
- refresh ()
- redraws the screen; reveals changes.
- update ()
- norns alias to redraw the screen; reveal changes.
- move (x, y)
move the current position.
- x integer target x-coordinate (1-based)
- y integer target y-coordinate (1-based)
- move_rel (x, y)
move the current position with relative coordinates.
- x integer relative target x-coordinate
- y integer relative target y-coordinate
- color (r, g, b, a)
sets screen color.
- r integer red value (0-255)
- g integer green value (0-255)
- b integer blue value (0-255)
- a integer alpha value (0-255) (default 255)
- level (value)
sets greyscale color/brightness.
- value integer (0-15; 0=off, 15=white)
- pixel (x, y)
draws a single pixel.
- x integer x-coordinate (1-based)
- y integer y-coordinate (1-based)
- pixel_rel ()
- draws a single pixel at the current coordinate.
- line (bx, by)
draws a line.
- bx integer target x-coordinate (1-based)
- by integer target y-coordinate (1-based)
- line_rel (bx, by)
draws a line relative to the current coordinates.
- bx integer target relative x-coordinate
- by integer target relative y-coordinate
- curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
draws a (cubic) bezier curve.
- x1 number 1rst handle x
- y1 number 1rst handle y
- x2 number 2nd handle x
- y2 number 2nd handle y
- x3 number 3rd destination x
- y3 number 3rd destination y
- rect (w, h)
draws a rectangle.
- w integer width in pixels
- h integer height in pixels
- rect_fill (w, h)
draws a filled-in rectangle.
- w integer width in pixels
- h integer height in pixels
- arc (radius, theta_1, theta_2)
draws a circle arc centered at the current position.
angles are measured in radians and proceed clockwise
with 0 pointing to the right. We should have
0 <= theta_1 <= theta_2 <= 2 * pi
- radius integer in pixels
- theta_1 number initial angle in radians.
- theta_2 number terminal angle in radians.
- circle (radius)
draws a circle centered at the current position.
- radius integer in pixels
- circle_fill (radius)
draws a circle centered at the current position.
- radius integer in pixels
- triangle (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy)
draws a filled in triangle with the given coordinates.
- ax number x-coordinate in pixels
- ay number y-coordinate in pixels
- bx number x-coordinate in pixels
- by number y-coordinate in pixels
- cx number x-coordinate in pixels
- cy number y-coordinate in pixels
- quad (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy)
draws a filled in quad with the given coordinates.
- ax number x-coordinate in pixels
- ay number y-coordinate in pixels
- bx number x-coordinate in pixels
- by number y-coordinate in pixels
- cx number x-coordinate in pixels
- cy number y-coordinate in pixels
- dx number x-coordinate in pixels
- dy nubmer y-coordinate in pixels
- geometry (vertices, indices, texture)
draws arbitrary vertex-defined geometry.
- vertices a list of lists of the form {{x, y}, {r, g, b, a?}, {tx, ty}?}, where x, y, tx, and ty represent pixel coordinates and r, g, b, a represents a color.
- indices (optional) a list of indices into the vertices list
- texture (optional) a texture created by screen.new_texture
- text (text)
draws text to the screen.
- text string text to draw
- text_center (text)
draws text to the screen.
- text string text to draw
- text_right (text)
draws text to the screen.
- text string text to draw
- get_text_size (text)
gets size of text.
- text string text to size
- integer w width in pixels
- integer h height in pixels
- get_size ()
returns the size of the main window.
- integer w width in pixels
- integer h height in pixels
- set_size (w, h, z)
sets the size of the current window
- w integer width in pixels
- h integer height in pixels
- z integer zoom factor
- set_fullscreen (is_fullscreen)
sets the fullscreen state of the current window
- is_fullscreen bool
- set_position (x, y)
sets the position of the current window on the display
- x integer x-position of upper left corner
- y integer y-position of upper left corner
- key (char, modifiers, is_repeat, state)
callback executed when the user types a key into the gui window.
- mouse (x, y)
callback executed when the user moves the mouse with the gui window focused.
- x number x-coordinate
- y number y-coordinate
- click (x, y, state, button)
callback executed when the user clicks the mouse on the gui window.
- x number x-coordinate
- y number y-coordinate
- state integer 1 for a press, 0 for release
- button integer bitmask for which button was pressed
- wheel (x, y)
callback executed when the user scrolls with the mouse wheel on the gui window.
- x number amount moved in the x-direction (right positive)
- y number amount moved in the y-direction (away from you positive)
- resized ()
- callback executed when the user resizes a window
- Texture:render (x, y, zoom)
renders the texture object with top-left corner at (x,y)
- x integer x-coordinate
- y integer y-coordinate
- zoom number scale at which to draw, defaults to 1
- screen.Texture.render_extended (x, y, theta, flip_h, flip_v, zoom)
renders the texture object with top-left corner at (x,y)
- x integer x-coordinate
- y integer y-coordinate
- theta number angle in radians to rotate the texture about its center
- flip_h bool flip horizontally if true
- flip_v bool flip vertically if true
- zoom number scale at which to draw, defaults to 1
- new_texture (width, height)
creates and returns a new texture object
the texture data is a rectangle of dimensions (width,height)
with top-left corner the current screen position
call before calling screen.refresh.
this operation is slower than most screen calls; try not to call it in a clock, for instance.
- width integer width in pixels
- height integer height in pixels
- new_texture_from_file (filename)
creates and returns a new texture object from an image file
- filename string absolute path to file